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SaaSy Help - All-in-One User Feedback & Support Platform

SaaSy Help centralizes feature requests, bug reports, changelogs, and more, enabling you to gather user feedback, streamline support, and make informed decisions. Enhance user engagement and satisfaction with our comprehensive low-code platform and API integration.

image: SaaSy Help - All-in-One User Feedback & Support Platform


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SaaSy? SaaSy is a platform that helps you gather feedback, streamline support, and make informed decisions. 2. How does the Roadmap feature work? The Roadmap feature visually represents your app’s development journey and future plans, keeping users informed and engaged. 3. What is the Knowledge Base? The Knowledge Base is a centralized location for documentation, guides, FAQs, and tutorials for your apps. 4. Can I integrate SaaSy with other tools? Yes, SaaSy can be integrated with tools like Notion and AirTable.

Key Features

SaaSy offers various features including Boards for consolidating requests and bug reports, Knowledge Base for centralized documentation, Smart Posts to reduce duplicate posts, Changelogs to keep users informed about updates, Roadmaps for visual development plans, Low Code Widgets for easy integration, and an API for custom workflows.


SaaSy offers a variety of pricing plans tailored to different needs. Specific pricing details are available on the pricing page of the SaaSy website.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros: Comprehensive support platform, user-driven feature development, easy integration, and detailed roadmaps. Cons: API is still in early beta, limited customization options in some features.


SaaSy provides a range of services including a centralized dashboard, customizable widgets, and an API for seamless integration. The platform also offers support for mobile devices and third-party tool integration.

Practical Use Cases

SaaSy can be used for user-driven feature development, reducing support requests, increasing feature adoption, inspiring user confidence through transparent roadmaps, and integrating support capabilities into apps with low code widgets.

Consolidate Requests and Bug Reports into Single Posts

SaaSy Help's Boards feature allows you to consolidate all user requests and bug reports into single, easily manageable posts. This not only simplifies tracking but also ensures that no feedback gets lost in the shuffle. By centralizing information, you can efficiently address user concerns and enhance your product's reliability.

Users Can Upvote Important Issues

Empower your users to voice their priorities by allowing them to upvote important issues. This democratic approach helps you identify which bugs or feature requests are most critical to your user base. With this insight, you can focus your development efforts where they matter most, fostering a community-driven product improvement process.

Plan Feature Rollouts Based on User Priorities

With the Boards feature, you can plan your feature rollouts based on the priorities set by your users. By analyzing upvotes and feedback, you can create a roadmap that aligns with user expectations and needs. This strategic planning ensures that you deliver the most impactful updates, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Align Efforts with User Needs

Aligning your development efforts with user needs is crucial for maintaining a loyal user base. SaaSy Help's Boards feature provides you with the tools to understand and act on user feedback effectively. By prioritizing tasks that matter most to your users, you can build a product that truly resonates with your audience, driving long-term success.

Centralized Documentation for All Apps

SaaSy Help offers a centralized knowledge base where all documentation for your various applications can be stored and accessed. This ensures that users have a single point of reference for all their needs, which streamlines the process of finding information and enhances user experience.

Easy Access to Guides, FAQs, and Tutorials

Our platform makes it incredibly easy for users to find guides, FAQs, and tutorials. By providing these resources in an organized and accessible manner, SaaSy Help ensures that users can quickly resolve their issues without the need for direct support intervention.

Reduce Support Requests by Providing Relevant Articles

By offering a comprehensive library of relevant articles, SaaSy Help significantly reduces the number of support requests. Users can find answers to their questions independently, which not only saves time for both users and support teams but also improves overall efficiency.

Automatically Checks for Existing Posts to Avoid Duplicates

SaaSy Help's intelligent system automatically scans existing posts to prevent duplicate entries. This feature ensures that the knowledge base remains clean and organized, making it easier for users to find the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Visual Representation of App Development Journey

Roadmaps provide a clear and visual representation of the app development journey. They outline the key milestones, features, and functionalities that are planned over a specific timeline. This visual tool helps teams stay aligned, offers a straightforward way to track progress, and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the development process.

Communicate Product Vision to Stakeholders

Effectively communicating the product vision to stakeholders is crucial for any development project. Roadmaps serve as a powerful communication tool that presents the strategic direction and goals of the app in a structured manner. Stakeholders can easily understand the planned features and their impact, which fosters better collaboration and support.

Drive User Engagement and Satisfaction

A well-defined roadmap can significantly drive user engagement and satisfaction. By sharing the roadmap with users, companies can manage expectations and generate excitement for upcoming features. Users feel more involved and valued when they see that their feedback is being considered and that the product is continuously evolving to meet their needs.

Foster User Loyalty Through Transparent Communication

Transparent communication is key to fostering user loyalty. Roadmaps enable companies to communicate openly about the future direction of their product. By being transparent about what is coming next and why certain decisions are made, users are more likely to trust the company and remain loyal. This transparency helps build a strong relationship between the company and its users.