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Hanko - Open Source Authentication and User Management for a Passwordless Future

Hanko offers an open-source solution for user authentication and management tailored for the passkey era. With easy integration of authentication APIs and customizable UI components, Hanko ensures better security and a seamless user experience. Trusted by over 5,000 developers, Hanko is framework-agnostic and supports a variety of login methods including passkeys, passwords, social logins, and more.

image: Hanko - Open Source Authentication and User Management for a Passwordless Future


Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers common questions about Hanko's features, pricing, integration, and security. Examples include: 'What is Hanko?', 'How do I get started?', 'Is Hanko free?', and 'What authentication methods does Hanko support?'

Product Features

Hanko offers a variety of features aimed at providing secure and user-friendly authentication. Key features include: customizable web components, passkey API, social logins, two-factor authentication (2FA), and email verification. Hanko Elements are framework-agnostic and can be integrated into any tech stack.

Pricing Information

Hanko offers a free tier to get started with essential features. More advanced features and enterprise solutions may require a paid subscription. For detailed pricing and customization options, interested users are encouraged to contact the Hanko team.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros: Open-source, customizable, easy to integrate, supports multiple authentication methods, and future-proof. Cons: Some features like 2FA and username-based login are coming soon and not yet available.

Customer Services

Hanko provides customer support through various channels, including a dedicated support team, GitHub community, and expert consultations. They offer comprehensive documentation, changelogs, and status updates to keep developers informed and supported.

Applications and Use Cases

Hanko is suitable for developers looking to integrate secure authentication methods into their applications. It is ideal for companies aiming to transition to a passwordless future, improve user experience, and enhance security. Notable use cases include social login implementations, passkey-based 2FA, and customizable authentication flows.

Introduction to User Authentication Methods

User authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user attempting to access a system. Traditionally, this has been done using passwords, but modern approaches include multi-factor authentication (MFA), biometric methods, and passkeys. Each method offers a different balance of security, convenience, and user experience. Understanding these methods is crucial for implementing a robust authentication system.

Benefits of Passkey-Based Authentication

Passkey-based authentication enhances security and user experience by eliminating the need for passwords. Passkeys leverage cryptographic keys stored on user devices, making them resistant to common attacks like phishing and credential stuffing. Additionally, passkeys streamline the login process, offering a seamless experience across various platforms and devices, and reducing the burden of password management for users.

Comparison with Traditional Password Methods

Traditional password methods have been the cornerstone of user authentication for decades, but they come with significant drawbacks such as vulnerability to breaches, difficulty in management, and poor user experience. In contrast, passkey-based authentication offers enhanced security by eliminating password reuse and simplifying the login process. This comparison highlights why passkey-based methods are becoming the new standard in user authentication.

Integration Process with Hanko's APIs and Components

Integrating passkey-based authentication into your system is streamlined with Hanko's APIs and components. Hanko provides a comprehensive suite of tools to implement secure and user-friendly authentication mechanisms. By leveraging Hanko's open-source solutions, developers can quickly integrate passkeys into their applications, ensuring a seamless and secure user authentication experience in the passkey era.

Overview of the Passkey API

The Passkey API is a revolutionary tool designed to enhance digital security by providing seamless and secure authentication. As part of the Hanko platform, this API allows developers to implement passkey-based authentication, which is a modern alternative to passwords and other traditional authentication methods. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, the Passkey API ensures that user data remains protected and tamper-proof, providing a robust solution for user management in the passkey era.

Steps to integrate passkeys into existing login systems

Integrating passkeys into your existing login systems with Hanko's Passkey API is a straightforward process. First, you need to set up the Hanko SDK in your development environment. Next, configure the API endpoints to handle passkey creation and verification. Then, update your authentication flow to include passkey options, ensuring a seamless user experience. Finally, rigorously test the integration to ensure reliability and security. This step-by-step approach ensures that your system benefits from enhanced security without compromising usability.

Advantages of using passkeys over traditional 2FA

Passkeys offer numerous advantages over traditional two-factor authentication (2FA). Unlike 2FA methods that rely on SMS or email codes, passkeys are inherently more secure as they utilize cryptographic keys that are stored securely on the user's device. This eliminates the risk of interception or phishing attacks. Additionally, passkeys provide a frictionless user experience, as users can authenticate with a single touch or glance, making it faster and more convenient. By adopting passkeys, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of account breaches and enhance overall security.

Future-proofing with passkey technology

Adopting passkey technology is a strategic move towards future-proofing your authentication system. As cyber threats continue to evolve, traditional authentication methods become increasingly vulnerable. Passkey technology, with its advanced cryptographic foundations, is built to withstand these evolving threats. Moreover, as more platforms and devices start supporting passkey authentication, early adopters will benefit from increased compatibility and user trust. By integrating Hanko's Passkey API now, organizations can stay ahead of the curve and ensure their authentication systems remain robust and secure in the long term.

Introduction to Hanko Elements

Hanko provides a suite of web components designed to streamline authentication and user management in the passkey era. Known as Hanko Elements, these components are built to be highly flexible and easy to integrate, offering developers a robust toolkit for creating secure, user-friendly web applications. By leveraging open-source technology, Hanko ensures that its components are continuously improved and adaptable to the evolving needs of modern web development.

Framework-agnostic web components

One of the standout features of Hanko Elements is their framework-agnostic nature. These web components can be seamlessly integrated into any web application, regardless of the front-end framework in use, such as React, Vue, Angular, or even plain JavaScript. This flexibility allows developers to incorporate Hanko's secure authentication and user management features without being constrained by their choice of technology stack. This universal compatibility makes Hanko an ideal solution for diverse development environments.

Customization options and styling

Hanko Elements offer extensive customization options, empowering developers to tailor the appearance and behavior of the components to match their application's branding and user experience requirements. Through simple configuration and CSS styling, developers can easily adjust colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements. Additionally, the components are built to be extensible, enabling developers to add custom functionality as needed. This level of customization ensures that Hanko Elements can seamlessly blend into any web application's design language.

Examples of integration in various tech stacks

Integrating Hanko Elements into different tech stacks is straightforward, thanks to their framework-agnostic design. For instance, in a React application, developers can use custom hooks to manage state and lifecycle events associated with Hanko components. In Vue, directives and computed properties can be utilized to achieve similar integration. Angular developers can benefit from services and dependency injection to incorporate Hanko's features seamlessly. Even in traditional server-rendered applications, Hanko Elements can be added with minimal effort, making it a versatile choice for enhancing authentication and user management across various tech ecosystems.