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DevOps Notebooks for Teams • Stateful

Revolutionize your engineering documentation with Stateful's DevOps Notebooks—cloud-native, GitOps-friendly, and collaborative. Start for free today.

image: DevOps Notebooks for Teams • Stateful


Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions about Stateful's DevOps Notebooks include how to get started, the compatibility with different cloud providers, and the security measures implemented to protect data. Other common questions revolve around the integration with existing tools and the pricing model for enterprise-level features.

Key Features of DevOps Notebooks

Key features include the ability to search across Git repositories to find relevant notebooks, participate in discussion threads, and integrate with IAM tools for secure access. The platform also provides visibility into the health and structure of DevOps processes, along with secure activity logs for team transparency.

Revolutionizing Engineering Documentation

Stateful's DevOps Notebooks provide a new model for internal engineering documentation, focusing on GitOps-friendly, cloud-native notebooks that enhance collaboration and searchability. These notebooks allow users to repurpose existing engineering documents, making commands executable and stored alongside code in Git repositories.

Use Cases for DevOps Notebooks

DevOps Notebooks can be used for various purposes such as creating and maintaining runbooks, documenting workflows, and troubleshooting. They help in accelerating investigations by providing historical sessions, commands, diffs, conversations, and other metadata. Additionally, they facilitate team collaboration and knowledge sharing.


DevOps Notebooks by Stateful introduces a new era in managing engineering documentation. These notebooks serve as a centralized platform where teams can create, store, and share their knowledge, ensuring that critical information is always accessible.


Our DevOps Notebooks are built on a GitOps-friendly and cloud-native approach. This means they seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure, allowing for version control, automated deployments, and scalability. With these notebooks, you can maintain consistency across all environments while leveraging the power of the cloud.


Stateful’s DevOps Notebooks enhance collaboration by enabling real-time editing and comments, making teamwork more efficient. Additionally, the notebooks feature advanced search capabilities, ensuring that finding specific information is quick and easy. This streamlined process saves time and boosts productivity.


Integrating with your current engineering documents has never been easier. Our DevOps Notebooks can import and export data from various formats, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining the integrity of your existing content. This flexibility allows you to build upon what you already have without starting from scratch.


DevOps Notebooks support configurable and executable commands, making it possible to run scripts and commands directly within the notebook environment. This feature not only simplifies testing and debugging but also enables dynamic documentation, where examples can be executed and results instantly displayed.

IAM Integration Simplified

DevOps Notebooks by Stateful offer seamless integration with Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems, enabling teams to manage access to their engineering documentation effectively. This integration ensures that only authorized personnel can view and modify sensitive data, thereby enhancing security and compliance.

SSO for Seamless Access

Single Sign-On (SSO) support allows for frictionless access to DevOps Notebooks while maintaining high levels of security. With SSO, team members can log in once and gain access to all necessary tools and resources, streamlining workflows and improving productivity without compromising on security.

Data Security Through Encryption

Stateful’s DevOps Notebooks implement end-to-end encryption to protect data both in transit and at rest. This approach ensures that your engineering documentation remains secure and confidential, safeguarding it from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Audit Trails for Accountability

Comprehensive audit trails and activity logs provide visibility into who accessed what and when within the DevOps Notebooks environment. These features are invaluable for maintaining accountability, facilitating audits, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Flexibility with IAM Tools

Our platform is designed to work seamlessly with various IAM tools, offering flexibility and compatibility across different environments. Whether you're using Azure AD, Okta, or another provider, DevOps Notebooks can integrate smoothly, providing a consistent and secure experience.

Revolutionizing DevOps Through Enhanced Visibility

In today's fast-paced tech environment, visibility into DevOps processes is crucial. DevOps Notebooks offer real-time insights into ongoing projects, allowing teams to track progress and identify bottlenecks swiftly.

Secure Activity Logs for Enhanced Transparency

Maintaining secure activity logs is essential for accountability and transparency. With DevOps Notebooks, teams can access detailed logs that provide a comprehensive view of all activities, ensuring that every action is recorded securely.

Fostering Team Collaboration Through Discussion Threads

Effective collaboration is key to successful project outcomes. DevOps Notebooks facilitate seamless communication among team members through integrated discussion threads, enabling constructive feedback and quick resolution of issues.

Streamlining Escalation with Slack Integration

DevOps Notebooks integrate seamlessly with Slack, enabling automatic notifications and updates. This integration ensures that critical issues are escalated promptly, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.

Leveraging Otel-Compatibility for Data Usage

By supporting Otel-compatible data usage, DevOps Notebooks ensure that teams can leverage advanced monitoring tools effectively. This compatibility allows for the collection and analysis of valuable metrics, enhancing decision-making processes.