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mirrord | Seamless Local Development with Kubernetes

mirrord revolutionizes cloud development by blending remote and local environments. Develop locally with the confidence of a full staging environment, without the hassle of 'git push' testing. Ideal for modern cloud developers and teams, mirrord ensures secure, efficient, and enjoyable development experiences.

image: mirrord | Seamless Local Development with Kubernetes


Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQ section provides answers to common questions about mirrord, such as what is Remocal, how mirrord works, and its benefits. For example, one FAQ might discuss how mirrord eliminates the need for 'git push' testing by allowing local code to run as if it were in a staging environment.

Key Features

The Features section highlights the main functionalities of mirrord. These include making local development feel like remote staging, providing concurrent access to staging resources, and offering seamless integration with CLI tools and IDEs like VSCode and IntelliJ. It also emphasizes the simplicity and security of using mirrord.


The Pricing section outlines the cost structure for using mirrord. It details the different pricing tiers, from individual developers to large enterprises, and explains what features are included at each level.

Pros & Cons

The Pros & Cons section provides a balanced view of the advantages and potential drawbacks of using mirrord. Pros include improved development speed, better access to real environments, and enhanced security. Cons might include the complexity of initial setup and the learning curve for new users.


The Services section describes the support and additional services offered by mirrord. This includes documentation, community support, and enterprise-level customer service.

Use Cases

The Use Cases section illustrates scenarios where mirrord can significantly improve the development process. Examples include debugging services faster, testing local changes in a shared staging environment, and enabling large teams to work on the same pods without conflicts.

Explanation: Makes local development feel 100% remote

Remocal technology bridges the gap between local and remote development by providing a seamless experience. With Remocal, developers can work on their local machines but interact with a Kubernetes cluster as if it were remote. This ensures that the development process is smooth, efficient, and mimics the production environment closely.

Benefits: No need to move code around or 'git push' to test

One of the key benefits of using Remocal is that there is no need to constantly move code between local and remote environments or perform frequent 'git push' operations just to test changes. This saves time and reduces the likelihood of errors, making the development process faster and more reliable.

Definition: Remote + Local = Remocal

Remocal is a term that combines the words 'remote' and 'local' to describe a development environment where local development feels just like working on a remote server. This innovative approach allows developers to work locally while leveraging the power and capabilities of their Kubernetes environment.

Faster Debugging: Speed up service debugging

One of the key use cases for mirrord is accelerating the debugging process. By mirroring your local development environment with your Kubernetes environment, you can quickly identify and resolve issues in your services. This seamless integration allows developers to debug services without the overhead of deploying changes to a remote cluster, significantly reducing the time spent on debugging and improving overall productivity.

Testing Local Changes: Test in a shared staging environment

mirrord enables developers to test local changes in a shared staging environment, ensuring that the changes work as expected before deploying them to production. This approach minimizes the risk of introducing bugs and allows for more thorough testing. By leveraging a shared staging environment, teams can maintain consistency and catch potential issues early in the development cycle, leading to more stable releases.

Team Collaboration: Multiple developers working on the same pods

Collaboration is key in any development project, and mirrord facilitates this by allowing multiple developers to work on the same pods simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for large teams where different members are responsible for various components of the application. By mirroring the Kubernetes environment, developers can see each other's changes in real-time, making it easier to coordinate efforts and ensure that all parts of the application integrate smoothly.

Enterprise Adoption: Suitable for large, security-sensitive enterprises

mirrord is designed with enterprise adoption in mind, making it suitable for large, security-sensitive organizations. The tool ensures that local development environments are securely mirrored with Kubernetes clusters, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of the data. Enterprises can benefit from faster development cycles, improved debugging, and robust testing processes while adhering to strict security standards. This makes mirrord an ideal choice for organizations looking to streamline their development workflows while maintaining a high level of security.