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Intentional: Focus App for Deep Work

Block distractions and unlock your potential with Intentional. This app helps you set goals and blocks irrelevant websites, enabling you to enter Flow state efficiently.

image: Intentional: Focus App for Deep Work


Key features of Intentional

1. Goal setting for work sessions 2. Website blocking based on goals 3. Dark/light theme toggle 4. Developed by Samy Rahim

Advantages and limitations

Pros: 1. Helps increase focus and productivity 2. Customizable according to user's goals 3. Simple and user-friendly interface Cons: 1. Limited to Chrome browser 2. May not block all potential distractions 3. Potential inconvenience for multi-taskers

Scenarios where Intentional can be useful

1. Studying or completing assignments 2. Writing reports or articles 3. Coding and software development 4. Any task requiring undivided attention

Blocking distractions

Intentional is designed to help you stay focused on your tasks by effectively blocking distracting websites. With its powerful distraction-blocking feature, you can create a custom list of sites to block during specific work sessions, ensuring that you maintain your concentration and minimize interruptions.

Flow state induction

The app goes beyond just blocking distractions; it actively assists in achieving a state of flow. By eliminating digital diversions, Intentional enables you to immerse yourself completely in your work, increasing productivity and creativity. It fosters an environment where you can perform at your best without the constant pull of online distractions.

Goal-oriented approach

Intentional adopts a goal-oriented methodology to keep you on track. Set specific goals and deadlines for your work sessions, and the app will remind you of these objectives, guiding you towards successful completion. This targeted approach encourages discipline and helps break down complex tasks into manageable chunks, enhancing overall productivity.

Customizable Blocklists

Intentional stands out with its customizable blocklists, allowing users to tailor their distraction-free environment to their specific needs. You can add or remove websites that hinder your productivity, ensuring that only the necessary resources are accessible during focused work sessions.

Session-Based Blocking

The app features session-based blocking, enabling you to set predetermined work intervals during which distracting sites are inaccessible. This time-bound approach helps maintain focus and promotes discipline, as it encourages users to stay committed to their tasks without the allure of online distractions.

Relevance to Goals

Intentional's website blocking capabilities align seamlessly with personal and professional goals. By empowering users to take control of their digital footprint, the app fosters a more intentional use of time, leading to increased productivity, better work-life balance, and ultimately, the achievement of desired objectives.

Created by Samy Rahim

Intentional, the powerful anti-distractions app, was masterminded by Samy Rahim, a seasoned software developer known for his dedication to productivity tools. With a passion for creating solutions that enhance focus, Samy designed this app to help individuals achieve deep work without the constant interruptions from distracting websites.

Release year: 2024

Launched in 2024, Intentional quickly gained traction among professionals and students alike, as it offered a much-needed solution in an increasingly digital world. Its timely introduction addressed the growing concern of online distractions, providing a robust platform to maintain concentration and boost productivity.

Available only for Chrome

Initially, Intentional was exclusive to Google Chrome users, allowing them to seamlessly integrate the app into their browsing experience. The decision to target Chrome first was strategic, considering its vast user base and the platform's compatibility with various productivity extensions. Plans for expanding to other browsers were also in the pipeline to cater to a wider audience.